• "The Piano Room" teaching studio space includes two baby grand pianos

    The Piano Room

    Claire Helene Bevan's private piano teaching studio in Camden, Maine
    offering experienced piano instruction and performance opportunities
    to students of all abilities, ages 4 and up.

  • BIO

    My French name, Claire Hélène, is pronounced, “Clarolen”. I go by Claire in the U.S.

    portrait of Claire Helene Bevan

    Claire has been a piano instructor for 14+ years. She teaches in her own studio, is on the faculty at Bay Chamber School of Music and is Music Director at First Universalist, Rockland.


    She holds a BM Piano Performance with pedagogy emphasis from the University of Southern Maine, where she studied piano with Dr. Laura Kargul and Dr. Annie Antonacos, and pedagogy with Christine Kissack. The USM faculty awarded her a talent scholarship for the duration of her studies and she received a student achievement teaching recognition award from the Music Teachers National Association. In Camden, she studied with Leitha Christie and Glenn Jenks. While at Principia College in Elsah, IL, she studied with Dr. Marie Jureit-Beamish. She has also been coached by Cheryl Tschanz Newkirk of Waterville, Virginia Eskin of Boston, and George S. Lopez (Bowdoin Beckwith artist-in-residence).


    She taught in the Portland area and in several schools before moving back to mid-coast Maine in 2016 when she took over The Piano Room in Camden from her Mom, Mary Bevan.


    As an active church musician since 2016, Claire loves ministering to hearts and minds in a wide variety of styles. She is Music Director at First Universalist in Rockland, where she also enjoys collaborating with other musicians. For over 15 years, she volunteered as a pianist at a spiritual retreat she attended annually in New York City.


    She also holds a BA in English and Environmental Science from University of Chichester, United Kingdom. A job as a news reporter originally brought her to Maine.

    piano keyboard

    My approach to teaching:

    I teach piano, yes, but I view myself as an educator. I am highly influenced by the Suzuki philosophy of eliciting character growth through music. Helping students attain deeper levels of consciousness is also a central theme of mine. I am most passionate about the vital link between the cultivation of deeper conscious awareness and happiness, mental health, and finding a sense of wonder. I care about my students as individuals and look for inspired ways to bless and reach each one, in a unique way. It's also important to me that students like the music we select.


    I marvel at the transferable life skills students learn from taking lessons besides encountering works in different genres. Let me unpack the substance of what students learn: how to be patient with themselves, how to be in the moment, devotion to a purpose (all art demands it), pattern recognition, problem-solving, analysis, grit, active awareness of their beautiful and expansive minds, depth of focus, relationship between thoughts/goals and outcomes, organization, self-validation, confident internal dialogue, imagination, emotional depth and nuance, strength of character, managing frustration (hard stuff!), overcoming perfectionism, discovering how to listen with mental ears, how to set priorities, self-discipline, accountability, vulnerability, independent thinking, how to enjoy every note, full-body listening, good posture, breath control, body awareness, etc. Oh yeah, and all the fun music stuff!


    I get to watch THIS happen. What a privilege. My passion for teaching piano only grows.

    piano keyboard

    What drew me to music and the piano?

    I have such fond memories of lying under my mother's piano, enraptured and sometimes captivated by her feet on the pedals, listening to all the big pieces in the repertoire. My parents were good friends with American concert pianist Malcolm Frager, who would play the Turkish March for me, backstage, after one of his concerts. My childhood was so jam-packed with attending concerts that I apparently demanded lessons from my mother when I was 4. My mother was also a professional vocal soloist, whose regular concerts with a choir and collaborative pianist, we always attended. My experience growing up as a Third Culture Kid in Belgium exposed me to hearing wonderful concerts in big, cold cathedrals, and has given me a wide appreciation of music from different cultures and traditions.

  • Calendar

    Fall 2024

    Begins Wednesday, September 4th through Thursday, November 21st, 2024 (12 weeks)


    Wednesday, September 4th

    First day of Fall Term 2024



    Studio closed: Nov. 27 - 28 — no lessons

    Winter 2024-25

    Begins Wednesday, December 4th through Thursday, February 13th (9 weeks for Wed. students and 10 weeks for Thursday students)


    Wednesday, December 4th

    First day of Winter Term 2024-25



    Studio closed: December 25 - 26th & on Wednesday, Jan. 1st — no lessons (2 weeks off for W. students, and 1 week off for Thurs. students)


    Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

    Lessons resume



    Studio closed: February 19 - 20, 2025 — no lessons

    Spring 2025

    Begins Wednesday, February 26th through Sunday, June 9th (13 weeks for Wednesday students and 12 weeks for Thursday students, plus an extra make-up week)


    Wednesday, February 26th

    First day of Spring Term 2025


    APRIL BREAK (school vacation plus an extra week)

    Studio closed: April 23-24, and April 30-May 1st, 2025 — no lessons during these two weeks


    MAY MAKE-UP WEEK: MAY 28-29: any excused missed lessons throughout the year can be made up during this week; non-excused lessons are not made up


    Saturday, June 7th from 2 to 4:00 PM

    Mandatory recital dress rehearsal


    Thursday, June 5th and Wednesday, June 11th

    Last days of Spring Term 2025


    Sunday, June 15th at 2 PM

    Spring recital at First Universalist in Rockland, ME




    all ages and abilities

    The Piano Room students receive a solid musical foundation
    upon which to build a lifetime of music-making.

    Welcome to The Piano Room where students benefit from a well-balanced program of musical activities designed to strengthen theory and keyboard knowledge while developing creative and performance skills. Thank you for choosing me as your teacher. I do my best to customize lessons to each student’s strengths, goals, and learning style.


    Enrollment is for the piano year which follows the public school's academic calendar and consists of 34 lessons, from Sept. 4th, 2024 through June 11th, 2025. Tuition also includes participation in an annual Spring recital and dress rehearsal. I offer an additional flexible summer session where returning students are required to take a minimum of 4 lessons in order to be eligible to enroll again. New students can enroll throughout the year and will be pro-rated.


    For new students, registration is complete after having experienced your first lesson and having chosen to commit to a weekly lesson time reserved for you on a certain day for the piano year: an email confirming this constitutes registration. Returning students can reserve their spot in the studio by paying a $100 non-refundable deposit in June toward fall tuition.


    Most learning takes place at home where students practice incorporating what we covered during lessons. I therefore require all students to have daily access to a full-size keyboard with 88 weighted keys. A quality instrument nurtures enjoyment which is directly tied to progress. It's ok if you don't yet have an instrument, but you'll want to be prepared to get one before our second lesson, if you want to enroll. Keyboards or acoustic pianos are not difficult to obtain and I'm happy to give you tips.


    I strongly believe my work is only successful if you are enjoying what you are learning. While structure is beneficial, please never hesitate to let me know if there are other topics you want to explore. This is your work — I consider myself to be your resource. Your time commitment outside of lessons is imperative to your success/ progress, which directly impacts your enjoyment. Most learning takes place in a student’s application of what is learned at lessons. It’s my job, then, to equip you to be an independent learner and to guide your practice time so it’s most efficient and effective (and fun!).


    Learning to play an instrument well requires training of muscles and ears. It's not like solving a math problem once and for all — it requires mindful, disciplined reinforcement, and repetition. For your success and enjoyment, all students must commit to practicing at least 5 days a week. There are busy weeks when exceptions can be made, but in evaluating whether you plan to commit to lessons, please consider whether your schedule can include adequate time for weekly practice.

    Contact me today to schedule a meet-and-greet: please review the studio policy ahead of our meeting so we can address any questions. Once enrolled, that meeting constitutes our first lesson. If you decide not to enroll, the meeting is complimentary.

    General hygiene protocol:

    Masking is optional. I will wear a well-fitting mask upon a student's request (or cancel if I am contagious).


    Students who opt for in-person lessons would need to agree to the following Hygiene Policy:

    1. Students must wash or sanitize hands before entering the studio. Bottles of hand sanitizer are in the front entry, as well as beside the piano.

    2. Students who exhibit symptoms of fever or coughing need to stay home & pre-arrange for an online or video lesson instead.

    3. AIR QUALITY: I keep the studio well ventilated with fresh air and I also have a Eureka Air Purifier NEA120 with a true HEPA filter right beside the upright piano where students will be seated. The true HEPA filter captures 99.7% of dust and airborne allergens as small as 0.3 microns such as household dust, model, pet dander, and pollen. It has a UV LED with TiO2 that is supposed to effectively reduce bacteria, virus and mold spores.

    4. SANITIZATION: the plexiglass covering on the music rack, as well as the chair and keys, are sanitized daily. I also daily sanitize the bathroom and door knobs.

  • Studio Policy & Tuition: 2024-2025


    Students are expected to be prepared for their lessons: I require students to practice a minimum of 5 days/week. Cramming before a lesson simply cannot substitute for daily attention since studies reveal that most learning is assimilated while we sleep.


    I also ask students to keep nails short as technical elements cannot be learned, otherwise, and learning can even be un-done as a result. Thank you!


    RATES for students enrolled in piano year: 

    • 30-minute lesson: $48 or $816 by semester (ages 4-6 only)
    • 45- minute lesson: $58 or $986 by semester (all new students)
    • 60-minute lesson: $68 or $1,156 by semester

    RATE for à la carte students with no annual commitment:

    • Single 60-minute lesson: $75 (only charged for lessons given)



    Excepting in September, payment is due in advance on the first of each month and can be paid by check, Zelle, or recurring online bill pay through your bank. Please arrange for me to receive tuition by the 1st of the month. Checks can be made out to Claire Helene Bevan. Please note, I no longer accept payment via Venmo. There will be a $25.00 late fee if payment is not made by the 10th of each month.


    Tuition is based on enrollment, not student attendance: options for absences under Absences tab. Tuition includes participation in a dress rehearsal, an annual Spring recital, and a make-up week for excused lessons.


    Absences where students fail to communicate in a timely manner, or absences due to forgetfulness or to double-booking, or to choosing to attend another activity instead, must be forfeited.



      1. Fixed Monthly: year's total/# of lessons, divided into *9 equal payments, from September through May. If paying monthly, tuition remains the same regardless of the number of lessons in the month. (*N.B.:this is a change from previous years where tuition had been divided into 10 equal payments)
      2. By Semester (see rates)



    A one-time $30 fee per family is charged for the piano year to cover photocopies, library purchases, technology and equipment, supplies, tuning, recital, subscription to MuseScore & Ultimate Guitar, professional development, etc.



    Please try your best to be punctual. I try my utmost to run on time. If you arrive late for your lesson, we will begin at the time of your arrival, but the missed time will not be made up, so as not to impact other students that day (unless I have the freedom to).



    Enrolled students must give one month’s notice if lessons are to be discontinued during the 2024-2025 calendar year. For example, if you tell me on February 12 that you plan to discontinue lessons, you will be responsible for paying tuition until March 12. At that point, tuition will be refunded for any lessons beyond that date that have been prepaid. Thanks for your understanding.


    Regrettably, a student may be dismissed if any of these circumstances occur:

    • Failure to pay tuition on time
    • Persistent absences and/or late arrivals for lessons
    • Uncooperative attitude
    • Lack of progress due to insufficient practice or unfulfilled requirements

  • Absences. Need to Miss?

    Missed Lessons

    Please keep in mind that signing up for a lesson slot is committing to be present at the scheduled slot each week. Other activities should be planned/scheduled with piano lessons in mind. That said, we can make up all excused absences during Make-up Week: May 28th and 29th. I offer additional creative options.


    Lessons cancelled by you for planned absences: If you know you will be unable to attend a
    lesson in person, you can:

    1. arrange a lesson swap by consulting the *SWAP LIST (see tab).

    2. Or, with sufficient notice, we can arrange to have a virtual lesson.

    3. If you cannot do a virtual lesson, and you have informed me of your planned absence, I will use your lesson time
    to make a video lesson for you.

    4. Or, Make-Up Week: schedule a lesson then.


    Lessons cancelled by you for un-planned absences (i.e. sudden illness, activity conflict,
    travel, etc.): same options as above, except absences where students fail to communicate in a timely manner, or absences due to forgetfulness or to double-booking, or to choosing to attend another activity instead, must be forfeited.


    Lessons cancelled by me: When lessons are cancelled by me, I will notify you via text message and email as soon as possible. I will keep track of any lessons cancelled by me, and contact you with available make-up lesson options. If there is no opportunity to schedule and use the lesson credit by the end of the studio year, you can choose to pro-rate tuition for the last month of lessons, or use it towards summer lessons. If you do not reply to my attempts to schedule a credited lesson, the credit will be forfeited at the end of the studio year.


    *SWAP LIST (access on tab): The Swap List is a copy of the teacher’s schedule with names of students/ and parents, and parents’ email addresses. Inclusion on the swap list is optional; if you prefer that your contact info not be made available, I will not include it on the swap list. You can use the list to try to arrange a swap with another student if you discover a conflict with your lesson time. The instructor is not responsible for arranging swaps for students. If a swap is successfully arranged, the teacher must be notified!

    • If two students show up at the same time due to a swap list miscommunication, I will teach the student whose lesson is usually scheduled for that slot.
    • The teacher may veto a swap if circumstances necessitate it (i.e. recital preparation). There are also cases of differing lesson length that make swaps impractical, unless the student with a longer lesson is willing to forfeit the extra lesson time.

    The instructor is not responsible for arranging swaps for students. If a swap is successfully arranged, the teacher must be notified! Thank you.


    I am always available to teach regardless of the weather. Regardless of school cancellations, I will assume you are coming. However, if you are not confident about the travel conditions, please send me a text or call my cell, so we can arrange for a Zoom lesson instead during your same lesson time, or for a video lesson, or to make it up during Make-Up Week.


    The lesson is forfeited if you decide not to come for other reasons (i.e. you want to go skiing instead).


    Click on Swap List button (logo with arrows) to view current Swap List. You cannot edit this list. Please contact me with any arranged changes. Consult rules under Absences tab. Thank you!

  • Student Recitals

    We were thrilled to present a live Spring studio recital on Sunday, June 12th

    @ 2 PM at First Universalist, Rockland:

    A virtual Spring recital was held on June 13, '21. It was not recorded.


    In June 2020, students of The Piano Room collaborated to spread love and cheer
    via recordings to Quarry Hill's extended care community residents
    who were not able to receive visitors during the long quarantine.

    Listen to the pieces they shared below:

  • Excerpts

    of Music played by Instructor - Claire Helene Bevan

  • Testimonials

    "I have had such an amazing experience working with Claire. Not only is she a highly skilled instructor and musician, she is also an incredibly thoughtful and compassionate human being. I began taking lessons this past December as an adult learner. I learned from Claire the foundations of strong musicianship, how to elevate my playing and refine my skills, and (perhaps most importantly) how to approach my playing with mindfulness and intention. There are many talented pianists in this world, there are fewer that are also highly gifted teachers, and even fewer that are also mentors. Claire is all three, a uniquely talented, intelligent and intuitive guide. I feel extremely grateful to be her student!"

    ~ Tara Morin, adult student

    "You are an amazing teacher, and we are so grateful Amelia and Soren are under your tutelage."

    ~ Lynn Kenoyer Johnson

    "Claire Helene Bevan is an exceptional teacher. She pays close attention to detail, is patient and courteous with her students, and she's also an amazing pianist. The first lesson I took with her, she listened to my playing, watching my hand positions, and then kindly and compassionately shared some ideas that would help me improve. I highly recommend her!"

    ~ Rebecca Fiarman, music teacher

    "Claire Helene is a wonderfully creative piano teacher: the perfect blend of structure, fun and individualized support for our son. High expectations, but achievable bite sized pieces to feel good about his accomplishments with rewards of learning to play music he loves like Star Wars, etc."

    ~ Dr. Barbara MacDonald, ND, LAc

    "Thanks so much for all you do! Shawn and I appreciate your gentle way with Mara and your patience with all of our lesson switches!"

    ~ Dana Fittante

  • Contact 

    Schedule a meet-and-greet. As you fill out this form, please tell me:

    • your level (examples: total beginner, beginner, early intermediate, etc.)
    • what books you last used or pieces you last learned
    • how many years of lessons you've had
    • if you have any particular goals
    • if you have any special needs
    • if you have a keyboard with 88 weighted keys

    Let's get you started! I will be in touch as soon as possible. Thank you!

    104 Washington Street, Camden, ME 04843